![]() |
FMT 0.9.8
Forest management tools for forest planning
This is the complete list of members for Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties >, including all inherited members.
_exhandler | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
_logger | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
addaction(const int &actionID, FMTgraphstats &statsdiff, std::queue< FMTvertex_descriptor > &actives, const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const std::vector< Core::FMTdevelopmentpath > &paths, boost::unordered_set< Core::FMTlookup< FMTvertex_descriptor, Core::FMTdevelopment > > &devsets, bool inserie=false) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
addaction(const int &actionID, FMTgraphstats &statsdiff, std::queue< FMTvertex_descriptor > &actives, const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const std::vector< Core::FMTdevelopmentpath > &paths) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
adddevelopment(const Core::FMTfuturdevelopment &futurdevelopement, boost::unordered_set< Core::FMTlookup< FMTvertex_descriptor, Core::FMTdevelopment > > &alldevs, bool forcenewone=false) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
adddevelopment(const Core::FMTfuturdevelopment &futurdevelopement) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
anyoperables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor, const std::vector< int > &action_ids) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
boost::serialization::access | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | friend |
build(const Models::FMTmodel &model, std::queue< FMTvertex_descriptor > actives, int compressageoperability=1) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
buildschedule(const Models::FMTmodel &model, std::queue< FMTvertex_descriptor > actives, const Core::FMTschedule &schedule) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
buildtype | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
checksignals() const | Core::FMTobject | protected |
clearcache() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
cleardevelopments() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
constraintlenght(const Core::FMTconstraint &constraint, int &start, int &stop) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
containsdevelopment(const Core::FMTdevelopment &development, const boost::unordered_set< Core::FMTlookup< FMTvertex_descriptor, Core::FMTdevelopment > > &alldevs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
data | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
developments | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
disablenestedexceptions() | Core::FMTobject | |
empty() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
enablenestedexceptions() | Core::FMTobject | |
eraseperiod(std::vector< int > &deletedconstraints, std::vector< int > &deletedvariables, bool keepbounded=false) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
eraseperiod(std::vector< int > &deletedconstraints, std::vector< int > &deletedvariables, bool keepbounded) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
filluplastactions(const int &targetperiod, const FMTvertex_descriptor &targetdescriptor, std::vector< const FMTbaseedgeproperties * > &lastactions, std::vector< int > &distances, const size_t &depth) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
FMTadjacency_list typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
FMTedge_descriptor typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTedge_iterator typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTgraph() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
FMTgraph(const FMTgraphbuild lbuildtype) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
FMTgraph(const FMTgraph &rhs) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
FMTinedge_iterator typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTobject() | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTobject(const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > exhandler) | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTobject(const FMTobject &rhs) | Core::FMTobject | |
FMToutedge_iterator typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMToutedge_pair typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTvertex_descriptor typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTvertex_iterator typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
FMTvertex_pair typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | |
forceload(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) | Core::FMTobject | inlineprotected |
forcesave(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const | Core::FMTobject | inlineprotected |
generatedevelopments() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getactionoffirstserie(const FMTvertex_descriptor &targetdescriptor, std::vector< Core::FMTaction >::const_iterator theaction, const size_t &seriemaxsize, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getactionserie(FMTvertex_descriptor targetdescriptor, const size_t &maxactions, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getactionsources(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const int &actionid) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getactiveverticies() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getallseries(FMTvertex_descriptor targetdescriptor, const std::string &seriestarter, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, const std::unordered_set< int > &actionselected, const Core::FMTmask &mask) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getamountofpaths(const Core::FMTdevelopment &dev, const int &actionid, const Models::FMTmodel &model, const boost::unordered_set< Core::FMTlookup< FMTvertex_descriptor, Core::FMTdevelopment > > &actualperioddevs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getavailablememory() | Core::FMTobject | static |
getbuildtype() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getclock() | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getdevelopment(const Core::FMTdevelopment &developement, const boost::unordered_set< Core::FMTlookup< FMTvertex_descriptor, Core::FMTdevelopment > > &alldevs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getdevelopment(const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getdevsset(const int &period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getduration(const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getdurationinseconds(const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getfirstactiveperiod() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getfirstblock() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inlineprotected |
getfirstconstblock() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inlineprotected |
getfirstperiod() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getgrowthsource(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinidsvariables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinitialbounds(std::vector< double > &lower_bounds, std::vector< double > &upper_bounds) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinproportion(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex_descriptor) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinproportion(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex_descriptor) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinproportions(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getinvariables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getlastdisturbance(FMTinedge_iterator activeedge, int &periodtolastdisturbance) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getmaximalock(const int &period) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getnode(const Models::FMTmodel &model, Core::FMToutputnode &output_node, int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getnodebystaticmask(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutputnode &node, int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getoutactions(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getoutput(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutput &output, int period, const double *solution, Core::FMToutputlevel level=Core::FMToutputlevel::standard) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getoutvariables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getoutvariables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getoutvariablesproportions(const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, const double *actual_solution, const int &lperiod, bool withlock=false) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getpaths(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const int &actionID) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getpaths(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const int &actionID) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getperiod() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getperiodstopdev(const int location, const double *actual_solution) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getperiodverticies(int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getpredictors(const FMTvertex_descriptor &targetdescriptor, const Models::FMTmodel &model, const std::vector< std::string > &yieldnames, const size_t &depth, bool periodonevalues=false, bool withGCBMid=true) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getrorations(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMTmask &mask, const std::string &aggregate) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getruntimelocation() | Core::FMTobject | static |
getschedule(const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, const double *actual_solution, const int &lperiod, bool withlock=false) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getsource(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutputnode &node, int period, const Core::FMTtheme &theme, const double *solution, Core::FMToutputlevel level=Core::FMToutputlevel::standard) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getstats() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getstatsptr() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
gettransferrow(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex_descriptor, std::vector< int > &row_starts, std::vector< int > &cols, std::vector< double > &cols_value) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
gettransferrow(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex_descriptor, std::vector< int > &row_starts, std::vector< int > &cols, std::vector< double > &cols_value) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
gettransferrownames(std::vector< std::string > &rownames) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvalues(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const std::vector< FMTvertex_descriptor > &verticies, const Core::FMToutputnode &node, const Core::FMTtheme &theme, const double *solution, Core::FMToutputlevel level) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvariablenames(const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, std::vector< std::string > &colnames) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvariables(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutputnode &output_node, const std::vector< FMTvertex_descriptor > &verticies) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvariables(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutputnode &output_node, const std::vector< FMTvertex_descriptor > &verticies) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvertexfromvertexinfo(const Graph::FMTgraphvertextoyield *info) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
getvertextoyieldinfo(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
hash(size_t seed=0) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
inarea(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const double *&solution, int actionid=-1, bool growth=false) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
inarea(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const double *&solution, int actionid, bool growth) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
initialize(const std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > &actdevelopments) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
isanyoperables(const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor, const std::vector< bool > &actionsop) const noexcept | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
isdependant(const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor, const int &theactionid, bool &newedge) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inlineprotected |
isnotransfer(const FMTvertex_descriptor &descriptor, size_t outcount=0) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
isvalidgraphnode(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex_descriptor, const Core::FMToutputnode &node, const std::vector< const Core::FMTaction * > &selected) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
isvalidouputnode(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const Core::FMToutputnode &node, std::vector< const Core::FMTaction * > &action_IDS, int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
keepforserie(const FMTvertex_descriptor &targetdescriptor, std::vector< Core::FMTaction >::const_iterator theaction, const size_t &seriemaxsize, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, bool &onserie) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
locatenode(const Models::FMTmodel &model, Core::FMToutputnode output_node, int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
locatenodebytheme(const Models::FMTmodel &model, Core::FMToutputnode output_node, int period) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
naturalgrowth(std::queue< FMTvertex_descriptor > actives, FMTgraphstats statsdiff, bool typeIImatrix=false, bool splitgrowth=false) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
nedges() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
nochoice(const Core::FMTmask &basemask, const int &death_id) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
nodescache | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | mutableprotected |
onlypertiodstart(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
operator std::string() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
operator!=(const FMTgraph &rhs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
operator=(const FMTgraph &rhs) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
Core::FMTobject::operator=(const FMTobject &rhs) | Core::FMTobject | |
operator==(const FMTgraph &rhs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
outarea(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const int &actionID, const double *&solution) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
outarea(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex, const int &actionID, const double *&solution) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
passinexceptionhandler(const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > &exhandler) | Core::FMTobject | |
passinlogger(const std::shared_ptr< Logging::FMTlogger > &logger) | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
periodstart(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
periodstop(const FMTvertex_descriptor &out_vertex) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
postsolve(const Core::FMTmaskfilter &filter, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &originalbasethemes, const std::vector< int > &actionmapconnection) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
rebasecache() | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
redirectlogtofile(const std::string &location) | Core::FMTobject | |
reversecachenodeit typedef | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
sameedgesas(const FMTgraph &rhs) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
selectedactions(const Models::FMTmodel &model, const std::vector< int > &action_IDS) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
setbuildtype(const FMTgraphbuild &build) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
setconstraintID(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex, const int &id) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
setconstraintID(const FMTvertex_descriptor &vertex, const int &id) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
setCPLhandler() | Core::FMTobject | protected |
setdebugexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setdebuglogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
setdefaultexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setdefaultlogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
seterrorstowarnings(const std::vector< Exception::FMTexc > &errors) | Core::FMTobject | |
setfreeexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setmaxwarningsbeforesilenced(const size_t &maxwarningcount) | Core::FMTobject | |
setquietexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setquietlogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
setstats(const FMTgraphstats &newstats) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
settasklogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
size() const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
stats | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | protected |
swap(FMTgraph &rhs) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
timesincelastaction(const FMTvertex_descriptor &targetdescriptor) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
updatematrixindex(const std::vector< int > &removedvariables, const std::vector< int > &removedconstraints) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
updatematrixindex(const std::vector< int > &removedvariables, const std::vector< int > &removedconstraints) | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inline |
updatevarsmap(std::map< int, double > &variables, const int &var, const double &coef) const | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | inlineprotected |
~FMTgraph()=default | Graph::FMTgraph< tvertexproperties, tedgeproperties > | virtual |
~FMTobject() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |