![]() |
FMT 0.9.8
Forest management tools for forest planning
This is the complete list of members for Parser::FMTconstantparser, including all inherited members.
_comment | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
_constreplacement | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
_exhandler | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
_line | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
_location | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
_logger | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
_section | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
bounds(const Core::FMTconstants &constants, const std::string &value, const std::string &ope, Core::FMTsection section) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
checksignals() const | Core::FMTobject | protected |
clearcomments(std::string &line) | Parser::FMTparser | |
createband(GDALDataset *dataset, const std::vector< std::string > &categories, int bandid=1) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
createdataset(const std::string &location, const Spatial::FMTlayer< T > &layer, const int datatypeid, std::string format="GTiff") const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
createlayer(GDALDataset *dataset, const std::string &name, std::vector< std::string > creationoptions=std::vector< std::string >()) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
createOGRdataset(std::string location=std::string(), std::string gdaldrivername="CSV") const | Parser::FMTparser | |
createvectormemoryds() const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
disablenestedexceptions() | Core::FMTobject | |
enablenestedexceptions() | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTconstantparser() | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
FMTconstantparser(const FMTconstantparser &rhs)=default | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
FMTobject() | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTobject(const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > exhandler) | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTobject(const FMTobject &rhs) | Core::FMTobject | |
FMTparser() | Parser::FMTparser | |
FMTparser(const FMTparser &rhs) | Parser::FMTparser | |
forceload(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) | Core::FMTobject | inlineprotected |
forcesave(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const | Core::FMTobject | inlineprotected |
from_extension(const std::string &ext) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getallGDALdrivers(const char *spatialtype, bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getavailablememory() | Core::FMTobject | static |
getband(GDALDataset *dataset, int bandid=1) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getbaseoperators() const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getcat(GDALDataset *dataset, int bandid=1) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getcleanline(std::ifstream &stream) | Parser::FMTparser | |
getcleanlinewfor(std::ifstream &stream, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &themes, const Core::FMTconstants &cons) | Parser::FMTparser | |
getclock() | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getdataset(const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getduration(const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getdurationinseconds(const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) | Core::FMTobject | protectedstatic |
getFORELspatialref() const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getforloops(std::string &line, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &themes, const Core::FMTconstants &cons, std::vector< std::string > &allvalues, std::string &target) | Parser::FMTparser | |
getGDALextensions(const char *spatialtype, bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getGDALrasterdriverextensions(bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getGDALrasterdrivernames(bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getGDALvectordriverextensions(bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getGDALvectordrivernames(bool testcreation=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getlayer(GDALDataset *dataset, int id) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getmostrecentfiletime() const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getnum(const std::string &value, const Core::FMTconstants &constant, int period=0) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getnum(const std::string &value, bool omitnumtest=false) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
getoverview(GDALRasterBand *band, int view=1) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getprimary(const std::string &primarylocation) | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getprojtransform(OGRLayer *baselayer, bool fittoforel=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getruntimelocation() | Core::FMTobject | static |
gettransformmemlayercopy(OGRLayer *baselayer, const OGRSpatialReference *newreference, const std::string &fieldname) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getvectordataset(const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
getWSfields(OGRLayer *layer, std::map< int, int > &themes, int &age, int &area, int &lock, std::string agefield="", std::string areafield="", std::string lockfield="") const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
isact(Core::FMTsection section, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &actions, std::string action) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
isnum(std::string value) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
isnum(const std::string &value, const Core::FMTconstants &constant, bool throwerror=true) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
isvalid(const std::string &line) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
isvalidfile(const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
isyld(const Core::FMTyields &ylds, const std::string &value, Core::FMTsection section) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
mostrecentfile | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
mtx | Parser::FMTparser | mutableprotected |
operator=(const FMTconstantparser &rhs)=default | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
Parser::FMTparser::operator=(const FMTparser &rhs) | Parser::FMTparser | |
Core::FMTobject::operator=(const FMTobject &rhs) | Core::FMTobject | |
passinexceptionhandler(const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > &exhandler) | Core::FMTobject | |
passinlogger(const std::shared_ptr< Logging::FMTlogger > &logger) | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
read(const std::string &location) | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
readcsv(const std::string &location, const char &separator) | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
redirectlogtofile(const std::string &location) | Core::FMTobject | |
regexloop(const boost::regex &cutregex, std::string &str) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
returninclude(const std::string &line, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &themes, const Core::FMTconstants &cons) | Parser::FMTparser | |
rxaage | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxayld | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxayldage | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxbounds | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxoperators | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxprimary | Parser::FMTparser | protectedstatic |
rxseparator | Parser::FMTparser | static |
sameas(const std::string &allset) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
setcategories(GDALRasterBand *band, const std::vector< std::string > &categories) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
setCPLhandler() | Core::FMTobject | protected |
setdebugexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setdebuglogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
setdefaultexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setdefaultlogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
seterrorstowarnings(const std::vector< Exception::FMTexc > &errors) | Core::FMTobject | |
setfreeexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setheader(const std::string &header) | Parser::FMTparser | |
setmaxwarningsbeforesilenced(const size_t &maxwarningcount) | Core::FMTobject | |
setquietexceptionhandler() | Core::FMTobject | |
setquietlogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
setsection(const Core::FMTsection §ion) const | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
setspec(Core::FMTsection section, Core::FMTkwor key, const Core::FMTyields &ylds, const Core::FMTconstants &constants, Core::FMTspec &spec, const std::string &line) | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
setspecs(Core::FMTsection section, Core::FMTkwor key, const Core::FMTyields &ylds, const Core::FMTconstants &constants, std::vector< Core::FMTspec > &specs, const std::string &line) | Parser::FMTparser | protected |
settasklogger() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
spliter(std::string strmask, const boost::regex &xspliter) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
tryfillnumber(T &number, const std::string &value, const Core::FMTconstants &constant, int period=0) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
tryinclude(const std::string &line, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &themes, const Core::FMTconstants &cons) | Parser::FMTparser | |
tryopening(const std::ifstream &stream, const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
tryopening(std::ofstream &stream, const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
upper(const std::string &lowercases) const | Parser::FMTparser | |
write(const Core::FMTconstants &constants, const std::string &location) const | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
~FMTconstantparser()=default | Parser::FMTconstantparser | |
~FMTobject() | Core::FMTobject | virtual |
~FMTparser()=default | Parser::FMTparser | virtual |