Namespace for exceptions and exceptions handling (warnings and errors) thrown by FMT and all exceptions handlers available.
enum | FMTlev {
FMT_None =0
, FMT_Debug =1
, FMT_Warning =2
, FMT_logic =3
FMT_range =4
} |
enum | FMTexc {
None = 0
, FMTconstants_replacement = 1
, FMTcomma_replacement =2
, FMTfutur_types = 3
FMTinvalid_theme = 5
, FMTinvalid_aggregate = 6
, FMTinvalid_maskrange = 7
, FMTinvalid_yield = 8
FMTinvalid_action = 9
, FMTinvalid_transition = 10
, FMTinvalid_transition_case = 11
, FMTinvalid_number = 12
FMTinvalid_path = 13
, FMTtheme_redefinition = 14
, FMTaggregate_redefinition = 15
, FMTempty_theme = 16
FMTempty_aggregate = 17
, FMTundefined_aggregate_value = 18
, FMTundefined_attribute = 19
, FMTempty_action = 20
FMTwrong_partial = 21
, FMTpreexisting_yield = 22
, FMTunsupported_yield = 23
, FMTinvaliddataset = 24
FMTinvalidband = 25
, FMTinvalidrasterblock = 26
, FMTinvalidlayer = 27
, FMTmissingfield = 28
FMTinvalidoverview = 29
, FMTmissingrasterattribute = 30
, FMTunsupported_transition = 31
, FMTundefined_action = 32
FMTempty_transition = 33
, FMTundefined_output = 34
, FMTunsupported_output = 35
, FMTinvaliddriver = 36
FMTinvalidAandT = 37
, FMTleakingtransition = 38
, FMTundefineddeathaction = 39
, FMTundefineddeathtransition = 40
FMTignore = 41
, FMTmissingyield = 42
, FMTattribute_redefinition = 43
, FMTundefined_constant = 44
FMTmissingdevelopement = 45
, FMTmissingobjective = 46
, FMTunsupported_objective = 47
, FMTinvalid_constraint = 48
FMTemptybound = 49
, FMTunboundedperiod = 50
, FMTnonaddedconstraint = 51
, FMTmissinglicense = 52
FMTfunctionfailed = 53
, FMTcoinerror = 54
, FMTboostgrapherror = 55
, FMTunhandlederror = 56
FMTnotlinegraph = 57
, FMTrangeerror = 58
, FMTGDALerror = 59
, FMTGDALwarning = 60
FMTinfeasibleconstraint = 61
, FMTthematic_output_diff =62
, FMToutput_missing_operator =63
, FMToutput_too_much_operator =64
FMTinvalidyield_number = 65
, FMTgdal_constructor_error = 66
, FMTinvalid_geometry = 67
, FMTundefinedoutput_attribute = 68
FMTempty_schedules = 69
, FMTmissing_scenarios = 70
, FMTschemefailed =71
, FMTmaxnumberofexception = 72
FMTmskerror = 73
, FMToveridedyield = 74
, FMTmissing_parameter = 75
, FMTdeathwithlock = 76
FMTreplanningwarning = 77
, FMTyieldmodelprediction = 78
, FMTsourcetotarget_transition = 79
, FMTsame_transitiontargets = 80
FMTunclosedforloop = 81
, FMTthreadcrash = 82
, FMToutofrangeyield = 83
} |
Namespace for exceptions and exceptions handling (warnings and errors) thrown by FMT and all exceptions handlers available.