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FMT 0.9.8
Forest management tools for forest planning
►Nboost | |
►NCore | The Core namespace provides classes for simulating stands/strata growth/harvest through time |
►NException | Namespace for exceptions and exceptions handling (warnings and errors) thrown by FMT and all exceptions handlers available |
►NGraph | Namespace for using/building unidirectional graphs in FMT |
►NHeuristics | Namespace regrouping all tools for solving LP/MIP problems using an heuristic |
►NLogging | Namespace for the log management, provides different log handlers |
►NModels | Namespace containing all enumerator and classes used to construct or manipulate the different type of model in FMT |
►NParallel | Namespace for parallel tasking may include multithreading / multiprocessing |
►NParser | Namespace handling all FMT's parsers. Everything related to I/O should be located in this namespace |
►NSpatial | The spatial namespace provides classes for spatialy explicit simulation/optimization based on raster files |
►NVersion | Namespace for handling FMT versions and features |