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FMT 0.9.8
Forest management tools for forest planning
#include <FMTsrmodel.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
Graph::FMTgraphvertextoyield | getGraphVertexToYield () const |
virtual void | postsolve (const FMTmodel &originalbasemodel) |
void | setparallellogger (Logging::FMTlogger &logger) override |
FMTsrmodel (const FMTmodel &base, FMTsolverinterface lsolvertype) | |
FMTsrmodel () | |
FMTsrmodel (const FMTsrmodel &rhs) | |
FMTsrmodel (const FMTmodel &base, const Graph::FMTgraph< Graph::FMTvertexproperties, Graph::FMTedgeproperties > &lgraph, const FMTlpsolver &lsolver) | |
FMTsrmodel & | operator= (const FMTsrmodel &rhs)=default |
FMTsrmodel (FMTsrmodel &&rhs)=default | |
FMTsrmodel & | operator= (FMTsrmodel &&rhs)=default |
~FMTsrmodel ()=default | |
bool | operator== (const FMTsrmodel &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const FMTsrmodel &rhs) const |
bool | unboundsolution (int period) |
bool | isperiodbounded (int period) const |
void | cleargraphdevelopements () |
void | cleargraphcache () |
bool | setsolution (int period, const Core::FMTschedule &schedule, double tolerance=FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE) |
bool | setsolutionbylp (int period, const Core::FMTschedule &schedule, double tolerance=FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE) |
bool | forcesolution (int period, const Core::FMTschedule &proportionschedulewithlock) |
Core::FMTschedule | getsolution (int period, bool withlock=false) const final |
Core::FMTschedule | getscheduleproportions (int period, bool withlock) const |
Graph::FMTgraphstats | getstats () const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | getcopy (int period=0) const |
virtual std::map< std::string, double > | getoutput (const Core::FMToutput &output, int period, Core::FMToutputlevel level=Core::FMToutputlevel::standard) const |
Graph::FMTgraphstats | buildperiod (Core::FMTschedule schedule=Core::FMTschedule(), bool forcepartialbuild=false, int compressageclassoperability=1) |
int | getfirstactiveperiod () const |
virtual std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > | getarea (int period=0, bool beforegrowanddeath=false) const override |
FMTlpsolver * | getsolverptr () |
const FMTlpsolver * | getconstsolverptr () const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | clone () const override |
void | passinlogger (const std::shared_ptr< Logging::FMTlogger > &logger) override |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | presolve (std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > optionaldevelopments=std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment >()) const override |
bool | boundsolution (int period, double tolerance=FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE) |
bool | setparameter (const FMTintmodelparameters &key, const int &value) override |
bool | setparameter (const FMTboolmodelparameters &key, const bool &value) override |
Graph::FMTgraphstats | getgraphstats () const |
std::set< Core::FMTSerie > | getrorations (const Core::FMTmask &mask, const std::string &aggregate) const |
virtual bool | isoptimal () const |
virtual double | getobjectivevalue () const |
std::vector< const Core::FMTdevelopment * > | getnochoice (const Core::FMTmask &base_mask) const |
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Models::FMTmodel | aggregateAllActions (const std::vector< std::string > &p_Aggregates) const |
Aggregate actions together and create en enterly new model with new -actions,transitions,outputs,constraints,yields,lifespan. | |
std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > | aggregateSchedules (const std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > &p_schedules) const |
Build new schedule based on p_schedules with the corresponding aggregated actions. | |
virtual void | setparallellogger (Logging::FMTlogger &logger) |
virtual void | clearcache () |
FMTmodel (const std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > &larea, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > <hemes, const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &lactions, const std::vector< Core::FMTtransition > <ransitions, const Core::FMTyields &lyields, const Core::FMTlifespans &llifespan, const std::string &lname, const std::vector< Core::FMToutput > &loutputs, std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > lconstraints=std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint >(), FMTmodelparameters lparameters=FMTmodelparameters()) | |
FMTmodel () | |
virtual | ~FMTmodel ()=default |
FMTmodel (FMTmodel &&rhs)=default | |
FMTmodel & | operator= (FMTmodel &&rhs)=default |
virtual std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > | getarea (int period=0, bool beforegrowanddeath=false) const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | getcopy (int period=0) const |
FMTmodel | basepresolve () const |
Core::FMTmaskfilter | getpresolvefilter (const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &originalthemes) const |
Core::FMTmaskfilter | getpostsolvefilter (const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &originalthemes, const Core::FMTmask &devmask) const |
Core::FMTmask | getselectedmask (const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > &originalthemes) const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | presolve (std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > optionaldevelopments=std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment >()) const |
virtual void | postsolve (const FMTmodel &originalbasemodel) |
Core::FMTschedule | presolveschedule (const Core::FMTschedule &originalbaseschedule, const FMTmodel &originalbasemodel) const |
FMTmodelstats | getmodelstats () const |
void | cleanactionsntransitions () |
std::string | getname () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | getthemes () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTaction > | getactions () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtransition > | gettransitions () const |
Core::FMTyields | getyields () const |
Core::FMTlifespans | getlifespan () const |
std::vector< Core::FMToutput > | getoutputs () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > | getconstraints () const |
void | addoutput (const std::string &name, const std::string &maskstring, Core::FMTotar outputtarget, std::string action=std::string(), std::string yield=std::string(), std::string description=std::string(), int targettheme=-1) |
template<typename T > | |
void | addyieldhandlers (const std::vector< T > &yieldhandlers) |
void | addyieldhandlersfromptr (const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Core::FMTyieldhandler > > &yieldhandlers) |
bool | operator== (const FMTmodel &rhs) const |
bool | operator< (const FMTmodel &rhs) const |
void | setarea (const std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > &ldevs) |
void | setthemes (const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > <hemes) |
void | setactions (const std::vector< Core::FMTaction > &lactions) |
void | settransitions (const std::vector< Core::FMTtransition > <ransitions) |
void | setconstraints (const std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > &lconstraint) |
void | setyields (const Core::FMTyields &lylds) |
void | setlifespan (const Core::FMTlifespans &llifespan) |
void | setname (const std::string &newname) |
void | setoutputs (const std::vector< Core::FMToutput > &newoutputs) |
bool | isvalid () |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | locatestaticthemes (const Core::FMToutput &output, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | locatestaticthemes (const Core::FMToutputnode &output, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | locatedynamicthemes (const Core::FMToutput &outpu, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
Core::FMTmask | getdynamicmask (const Core::FMToutput &output, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
Core::FMTmask | getdynamicmask (const Core::FMToutputnode &node, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
Core::FMTmask | getstaticmask (const Core::FMToutputnode &node, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false) const |
bool | isstaticnode (const Core::FMToutputnode &node, double ratioofset=0.1) const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | locatestatictransitionsthemes () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | locatenodestaticthemes (const Core::FMToutputnode &node, bool ignoreoutputvariables=false, std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > basethemes=std::vector< Core::FMTtheme >()) const |
FMTmodel (const FMTmodel &rhs) | |
FMTmodel & | operator= (const FMTmodel &rhs) |
bool | empty () const |
void | push_back (const FMTmodel &rhs) |
double | getinitialarea () const |
void | setareaperiod (const int &period) |
Core::FMTschedule | getpotentialschedule (std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > toremove, std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > selection, bool withlock=true) const |
virtual std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > | getreplanningconstraints (const std::string &modeltype, const std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > &localconstraints, const int &period) const |
virtual bool | doplanning (const bool &solve, std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > schedules=std::vector< Core::FMTschedule >()) |
virtual std::map< std::string, double > | getoutput (const Core::FMToutput &output, int period, Core::FMToutputlevel level=Core::FMToutputlevel::standard) const |
virtual Core::FMTschedule | getsolution (int period, bool withlock=false) const |
virtual std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::vector< double > > > | getoutputsfromperiods (const std::vector< Core::FMToutput > &theoutputs, const int &firstperiod, const int &lastperiod, Core::FMToutputlevel level=Core::FMToutputlevel::standard) const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > | clone () const |
virtual bool | setparameter (const FMTintmodelparameters &key, const int &value) |
virtual bool | setparameter (const FMTdblmodelparameters &key, const double &value) |
virtual bool | setparameter (const FMTboolmodelparameters &key, const bool &value) |
int | getparameter (const FMTintmodelparameters &key) const |
double | getparameter (const FMTdblmodelparameters &key) const |
bool | getparameter (const FMTboolmodelparameters &key) const |
bool | setcompresstime (const int &periodstart, const int &periodstop, const int &value) |
std::vector< int > | getcompresstime () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > | goalconstraints (double penalty=999999) const |
std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > | gettacticalconstraints (double penalty=999999, double scheduleweight=999999, double objective=0, double objectivefactor=1.0) const |
virtual void | showparameters (const bool &showhelp=false) const |
virtual bool | build (std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > schedules=std::vector< Core::FMTschedule >()) |
virtual bool | solve () |
virtual bool | isoptimal () const |
virtual double | getobjectivevalue () const |
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FMTobject () | |
virtual | ~FMTobject () |
FMTobject (const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > exhandler) | |
FMTobject (const FMTobject &rhs) | |
FMTobject & | operator= (const FMTobject &rhs) |
virtual void | passinlogger (const std::shared_ptr< Logging::FMTlogger > &logger) |
void | passinexceptionhandler (const std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > &exhandler) |
void | redirectlogtofile (const std::string &location) |
virtual void | setdefaultlogger () |
virtual void | setquietlogger () |
virtual void | settasklogger () |
virtual void | setdebuglogger () |
void | setdefaultexceptionhandler () |
void | setquietexceptionhandler () |
void | setdebugexceptionhandler () |
void | setfreeexceptionhandler () |
void | disablenestedexceptions () |
void | enablenestedexceptions () |
void | seterrorstowarnings (const std::vector< Exception::FMTexc > &errors) |
void | setmaxwarningsbeforesilenced (const size_t &maxwarningcount) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::vector< Models::FMTsolverinterface > | getavailablesolverinterface () |
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static Core::FMTaction | defaultdeathaction (const Core::FMTlifespans &llifespan, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > <hemes) |
static Core::FMTtransition | defaultdeathtransition (const Core::FMTlifespans &llifespan, const std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > <hemes) |
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static std::string | getruntimelocation () |
static unsigned long long | getavailablememory () |
Protected Member Functions | |
bool | summarize (const std::map< int, double > &variables, std::vector< int > &sumvariables, std::vector< double > &sumcoefficiants) const |
Graph::FMTgraphstats | initializematrix () |
Graph::FMTgraphstats | updatematrix (const Graph::FMTgraph< Graph::FMTvertexproperties, Graph::FMTedgeproperties >::FMTvertex_pair &targets, const Graph::FMTgraphstats &newstats) |
size_t | getgraphsize () const |
void | postsolvegraph (const FMTmodel &originalbasemodel) |
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void | setdefaultobjects () |
Core::FMTmask | getbasemask (std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > optionaldevelopments) const |
std::vector< size_t > | getstatictransitionthemes () const |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | getstaticpresolvethemes () const |
void | clearactionscache () |
void | clearyieldcache () |
void | cleartransitioncache () |
virtual void | swap_ptr (const std::unique_ptr< FMTmodel > &rhs) |
std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > | setupschedulesforbuild (const std::vector< Core::FMTschedule > &schedules) const |
bool | useactionserie () const |
size_t | getseriesmaxsize () const |
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template<class Archive > | |
void | forcesave (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const |
template<class Archive > | |
void | forceload (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) |
void | checksignals () const |
void | setCPLhandler () |
Protected Attributes | |
Graph::FMTgraph< Graph::FMTvertexproperties, Graph::FMTedgeproperties > | graph |
graph holding the FMTdevelopments for all the periods. | |
FMTlpsolver | solver |
The lpsolver. | |
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FMTmodelparameters | parameters |
std::vector< Core::FMTactualdevelopment > | area |
Actualdevelopments for period 0, seen in the area section or the shapefile/raster. | |
std::vector< Core::FMTtheme > | themes |
Model themes of the landscape section file. | |
std::vector< Core::FMTaction > | actions |
Model actions from the action file and also the _death action. | |
std::vector< Core::FMTtransition > | transitions |
Model transitions from the transition file and also the _death transition. | |
Core::FMTyields | yields |
Yields data comming from the yield file. | |
Core::FMTlifespans | lifespan |
lifespan data comming from the lifespan file | |
std::vector< Core::FMToutput > | outputs |
Outputs comming from the ouput file. | |
std::vector< Core::FMTconstraint > | constraints |
Outputs comming from the optimization file. | |
std::string | name |
The name of the Model (name of the .pri file without extension) | |
std::vector< size_t > | statictransitionthemes |
The location of the themes static from transitions. | |
Friends | |
class | boost::serialization::access |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > | getclock () |
template<class chrono > | |
static double | getduration (const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) |
static std::string | getdurationinseconds (const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock > &startclock) |
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static std::shared_ptr< Exception::FMTexceptionhandler > | _exhandler |
A shared pointer to the exception handler. | |
static std::shared_ptr< Logging::FMTlogger > | _logger |
A shared pointer to the logger. | |
FMTsrmodel hold the attributes and methods shared between the spatially referenced models(FTMlpmodel and FMTnssmodel).
Models::FMTsrmodel::FMTsrmodel | ( | const FMTmodel & | base, |
FMTsolverinterface | lsolvertype | ||
) |
Main constructor used to build FMTsrmodel using it's base class and to let the user choose the solvertype (CLP,MOSEK,GUROBI,CPLEX) see FMTsolverinterface.h for more information about the supported solvertype.
Models::FMTsrmodel::FMTsrmodel | ( | ) |
Default constructor of FMTsrmodel
Models::FMTsrmodel::FMTsrmodel | ( | const FMTsrmodel & | rhs | ) |
Copy constructor of FMTsrmodel
Models::FMTsrmodel::FMTsrmodel | ( | const FMTmodel & | base, |
const Graph::FMTgraph< Graph::FMTvertexproperties, Graph::FMTedgeproperties > & | lgraph, | ||
const FMTlpsolver & | lsolver | ||
) |
Constructor of FMTsrmodel mainly use in postsolve.
default |
Default move constructor for FMTsrmodel.
default |
Default destructor of FMTsrmodel
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::boundsolution | ( | int | period, |
double | tolerance = FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE |
) |
This function bounds the primal variables to the primal solution present within the matrix for a given period and tolerance. Perfect function to update a FMTlpmodel or get ready for replanning.
Graph::FMTgraphstats Models::FMTsrmodel::buildperiod | ( | Core::FMTschedule | schedule = Core::FMTschedule() , |
bool | forcepartialbuild = false , |
int | compressageclassoperability = 1 |
) |
This function is the main function used to build the graph and the matrix. A call to that function add a period within the graph and the matrix of the FMTsrmodel. If the schedule is not empty than the model is going to be generated in partialbuild mode and not fullbuild mode. Partialbuild will only build the graph linked to the solution. make it perfect to reinterpret outputs for a given solution without rebuilding the whole graph.
void Models::FMTsrmodel::cleargraphcache | ( | ) |
Clear the node caching in the graph
void Models::FMTsrmodel::cleargraphdevelopements | ( | ) |
Clear developments location by periods in the graph
overridevirtual |
Get a clone of the FMTsrmodel
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
Reimplemented in Models::FMTlpmodel, and Models::FMTnssmodel.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::forcesolution | ( | int | period, |
const Core::FMTschedule & | proportionschedulewithlock | ||
) |
Force a solution by using a schedule based on proportions instead of area. So if there is modifications to the model, it will place only the parts of the solution that are possible considering the modifications. The schedule must be with lock indicators if locks are used in the model.
overridevirtual |
This function returns an area for a given period for a FMTsrmodel. If period = 0 the area is the same has FMTmodel::getarea(). For period > 0 the area returned is the FMTdevelopement of the graph that can be (actual of futur) existing at the beginning of the period. Need to have a builded graph with a solution to use this function.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
static |
Return a vector of solverinterface available
const FMTlpsolver * Models::FMTsrmodel::getconstsolverptr | ( | ) | const |
Get a pointer to the const solver behind the model.
virtual |
This function returns a copy of the FMTmodel of the selected period. If period = 0 it returns the FMTmodel::getcopy if period > 0 then it returns a copy of the FMTmodel based on the developements of the FMTgraph of the FMTlpmodel. Need to have a builded graph with a solution to use this function.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
Reimplemented in Models::FMTlpmodel, and Models::FMTnssmodel.
int Models::FMTsrmodel::getfirstactiveperiod | ( | ) | const |
Return the first active period should be always 0 in case or planning. But when eraseperiod is called the first active period is going to move to 1 and so on.
protected |
Return the size of the graph.
Graph::FMTgraphstats Models::FMTsrmodel::getgraphstats | ( | ) | const |
Return the statistics of the actual graph (number of cols,rows,edges,verticies)
Graph::FMTgraphvertextoyield Models::FMTsrmodel::getGraphVertexToYield | ( | ) | const |
std::vector< const Core::FMTdevelopment * > Models::FMTsrmodel::getnochoice | ( | const Core::FMTmask & | base_mask | ) | const |
Giving a base_mask returns period 0 developpements that have no actions assigned for the whole planning horizon. The developpements mask have to be a subset of the base_mask.
virtual |
Return the value of the solver objective.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
virtual |
Get the output value of a output for a given period using the solution of the matrix. the map key returned consist of output name if level == FMToutputlevel::standard || level == FMToutputlevel::totalonly, or developement name if level == FMToutputlevel::developpement
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
Reimplemented in Models::FMTlpmodel.
std::set< Core::FMTSerie > Models::FMTsrmodel::getrorations | ( | const Core::FMTmask & | mask, |
const std::string & | aggregate | ||
) | const |
Based on a mask and an action get all the unique rotations (in period) taken to complete a serie of action. A serie can contain a subserie for an aggregate of actions. It will only keep series that actions are part of the aggregate. Args: mask : the FMTmask of the rotations aggregate : std::string on which the last action is considered to be in Returns: Unique FMTSerie (where the serie is in string action1-action2-action3... string is the serie and int is the number of periods taken to complete the serie.
Core::FMTschedule Models::FMTsrmodel::getscheduleproportions | ( | int | period, |
bool | withlock | ||
) | const |
Same as getsolution but the schedule area represent the percentage of area of the developement.
finalvirtual |
Get the standard solution for a given period (FMTschedule dont have natural growth solution included). If with lock is true then the schedule will contain locked developement.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
FMTlpsolver * Models::FMTsrmodel::getsolverptr | ( | ) |
Get a pointer to the solver behind the model.
Graph::FMTgraphstats Models::FMTsrmodel::getstats | ( | ) | const |
Get the graph stats of the graph and matrix (number of columns/rows/edges/verticies...)
protected |
Initialize the solverinterface called once when the FMTgraph was empty after the first call of buildperiod.
virtual |
Return true if the solver consider the solution optimal.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::isperiodbounded | ( | int | period | ) | const |
Check if FMTdevelopment area are bounded on there primal variables for a given period.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::operator!= | ( | const FMTsrmodel & | rhs | ) | const |
Comparison operator of FMTsrmodel
default |
Copy assignment of FMTsrmodel
default |
Default move assignment for FMTsrmodel.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::operator== | ( | const FMTsrmodel & | rhs | ) | const |
Comparison operator of FMTsrmodel
overridevirtual |
We need to override the passinlogger for the osisolverinterface
Reimplemented from Core::FMTobject.
virtual |
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
protected |
Post solve this graph and return a presolved graph for each vertex and edges based on the original model.
overridevirtual |
Presolve a FMTsrmodel.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
Reimplemented in Models::FMTlpmodel, and Models::FMTnssmodel.
overridevirtual |
Solver's logger cannot work in parallel so you need to pass a logger owned by the thead to the solver to make sure it does not work in concurrency.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
overridevirtual |
Override setter for boolmodelparameters.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
overridevirtual |
Override setter for intmodelparameters.
Reimplemented from Models::FMTmodel.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::setsolution | ( | int | period, |
const Core::FMTschedule & | schedule, | ||
double | tolerance = FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE |
) |
If the user wants to set a solution for a given period for warmstarting the model or prepare to bound the model to that solution.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::setsolutionbylp | ( | int | period, |
const Core::FMTschedule & | schedule, | ||
double | tolerance = FMT_DBL_TOLERANCE |
) |
In some cases if you avec a lot of _lockexcempt actions comming from a Ws model it might be easier to use the setsolutionbylp to set the solution on a partial graph. This function will change the objective function, constraints and variables bounds so juste use it in a "Get results" context ( only valid for partial graph).
protected |
Simple function to summarize constraints that are un a map structure key = variables, element = coefficiant to a array structure (vector) for osisolverinterface. map structure is easier to deal with thant two vectors.
bool Models::FMTsrmodel::unboundsolution | ( | int | period | ) |
Unbound the primal bounds of a given period.
protected |
During a call to build period after the graph has been updated with nes developments type the solverinterface matrix need to be updated. Variables and constraints related to each of those new developements will be added to the matrix. So area transfer row and natural growth plus action variables.
friend |
Save function is for serialization, used to do multiprocessing across multiple cpus (pickle in Pyhton)
protected |
graph holding the FMTdevelopments for all the periods.
protected |
The lpsolver.